Support coordination and plan management

Support coordination and plan management are ‘intermediary’ supports in the NDIS that should support a participant to work towards their goals and participate more fully in the community.  

  • Support coordinators can help participants understand their NDIS plan, connect participants with providers and services, and build participants’ confidence in coordinating their supports.
  • Plan managers can support participants to manage their plan funding by monitoring the plan budget, managing NDIS claims, paying providers and providing regular statements that show the plans financial status. 

Inquiry into support coordination and plan management

Good intermediaries can be a great benefit to participants. The NDIS Commission receives complaints and reportable incident notifications about support coordinators and plan managers, which indicates that not all participants are getting those benefits.  

The NDIS Commission has started an inquiry to understand the experiences of participants that use support coordination and plan management services.  

Part 1

Part 1 of the inquiry looked at the relevant information received by the NDIS Commission to identify:

  • the quality and safeguarding concerns being raised about support coordination and plan management
  • the positive contributions coming from good support coordination and plan management.

Own motion inquiry into support coordination and plan management – part 1

Part 2

This examined whether the NDIS Commission should make any changes to how it regulates support coordination and plan management to:

  • address any quality and safeguarding concerns identified in Part 1 of the Inquiry; and
  • support the positive contributions coming from good support coordination and plan management identified in Part 1 of the Inquiry.

Part 2 outlines actions which aim to improve the quality and integrity of support coordination and plan management. The action plan is based on Part 1 and considered the findings from the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review.

Own motion inquiry into support coordination and plan management – part 2


Own motion inquiry into support coordination and plan management – part 1

Own motion inquiry into support coordination and plan management – part 2